Living in a city where buildings are far too close together (urban planning? What’s that?), I have lost touch with the sky. Haven’t noticed a sunset for decades because all I can see is the buildings across the way.
She’s looked at clouds from both sides now. From up and down, and still somehow, it’s cloud’s illusions she recalls. She really doesn’t know clouds at all.
knight1192a over 6 years ago
Only two times a day I’ve seen clouds like that. Sunrise and sunset.
alaskajohn1 over 6 years ago
That is the colorist’s responsibility; otherwise it would all be shades of gray.
sirbadger over 6 years ago
She knows how to make you feel good about climate change.
orinoco womble over 6 years ago
Living in a city where buildings are far too close together (urban planning? What’s that?), I have lost touch with the sky. Haven’t noticed a sunset for decades because all I can see is the buildings across the way.
Troglodyte over 6 years ago
Lucy has sensitivity? Who’d ‘a’ thunk it!
therese_callahan2002 over 6 years ago
She’s looked at clouds from both sides now. From up and down, and still somehow, it’s cloud’s illusions she recalls. She really doesn’t know clouds at all.
jrankin1959 over 6 years ago
Then a note floats down from the sky with just two words; Thank you.