Ted Rall for August 18, 2010

  1. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    like there’s thousands of people rushing to recruiters ? he’s willing to DIE for his country and you won’t take him ?

    lousy politics…

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  2. Missing large
    rottenprat  almost 14 years ago

    Problem is he’s willing to kill. We hire contractors to do the killing so our enlisted can adhere to the ROE.

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  3. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    gee, CHARLIE555, this is the first time i’ve agreed w/ you. about the patriotism part of my post…

    it’s like the nature of religion - the faith in what you believe…

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  4. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^^ No one gets kicked out of the military solely for being racist or an adulterer. Pedophile, depends. Children aren’t consenting adults. No one gets kicked out of the military because some random person says “hey, I think that guy’s a racist.”

    We just kicked out an Air Force War Hero, our top gentleman in the airforce, SOLELY because someone ELSE said he’s gay. In fact, most people removed because of DADT are removed because someone else makes an accusation, be it a spiteful acquaintance or someone who simply doesn’t like them.

    But here’s the interesting part. When you’re sitting there with death whizzing by your head and the wrong move being the end of your life… why is it a straight person can pull out pictures of their wife/kids/girlfriend, and a gay person can’t [because the second they do, they’ll get kicked out]?

    But I do have a question about your post: “What about lesbians?” After all, we just kicked out a woman who was rated a 130 out of 100 in physical ability and GPA at West Point… because her orientation is toward women.

    Should we be kicking all women out of the military since the majority of men in the military are oriented toward women? Some say we should. The claim is women are weaker. Perhaps. But we know who stopped the massacre at Ft. Hood: a diminutive woman who had already been shot.

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  5. Marineiv
    MasterofSergeants  almost 14 years ago

    In the Marines, the guy in the purple shirt, will be hurt because of his sexual orientation. That doesnt make it right. That is a very real fact. (Personally, I love the sinner - but I hate the sin. In purple shirt guy’s life and my own.)

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “In the Marines, the guy in the purple shirt, will be hurt because of his sexual orientation. That doesnt make it right. That is a very real fact.”

    So you are saying that marines “in general” are unprofessional? Are you also saying that every other branch of the military that allows women in it shouldn’t allow those women because “they will be hurt” because they have a vagina? Sure, it happens. Doesn’t make it right. We should kick all women out? This logic is poor.

    I walk side-by-side with male soldiers to and from the office on a semi-daily basis. I have yet to be “hurt” because I’m female. You’d think I’d be more vulnerable as a civilian.

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  7. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    charlie: “‘gay’ in this context meaning men who define themselves by their same-sex attraction.”

    Do straight men “define themselves” by their opposite-sex attraction? I know I don’t. I am me, and I am many things, heterosexual being one of them.

    I’m straight, but I was a very poor soldier. There’s no reason why a gay soldier can’t be a good soldier. When I was there they would have kept ME rather than a potential Audie Murphy, if they thought he might fall in love with another man…

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    rotts  almost 14 years ago


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  9. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    It’s a good thing you use the word “solely,” Jade. Adultery & racism are covered under “Conduct Unbecoming,” Article 133 & “General Article” 134, of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. They generally don’t bother unless it effects unit cohesion or makes loud, messy news.

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  10. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ I’m good with stipulative words like that. They tend to save my pa-toot.

    ” They generally don’t bother unless it effects unit cohesion or makes loud, messy news.”

    Yet they’ll go way out of their way to ferret out a homosexual individual based on third-party here-say. Most don’t run around with rainbow shirts saying ‘Gay Pride.’ Though I’m sure during a homecoming they’d love to be able to embrace their spouse/lover just like straight people get to, without being kicked out for it.
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  11. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 14 years ago

    ^You know they don’t want that Jade. They might turn the other soldiers gay.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Or they might see a Sandra Bullock movie, War??

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    Lavocat  almost 14 years ago

    Yes, you would have to be mentally ill to join the U.S. Army. That or very, very hungry with a thing for MREs.

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  14. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^^^ I hear it’s a virus passed by air.

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    comYics  almost 14 years ago

    yeah gay dude, your not supposed to say outloud what that military believes in their hearts, gaahhhh.

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  16. Voltaire
    RationalEmpiricist  almost 14 years ago

    Charlie, you make it very difficult to take you seriously. The colonel that Jade referred to is recognized by the military as a war hero. He is proven to INCREASE the cohesiveness of his unit. It sounds like some ‘good soldiers’ in the Pentagon are ‘risking destroying their units for any personal reason.’

    Perhaps no women should be allowed in any military roll, just to make sure no straight man has a reason to ‘risk destroying his unit for any personal reason.’ While we are at it, someone has to be making a real gaydar. Why isn’t it finished yet? There can be no chance for any gay to ruin his or her unit!

    I really liked this comic. Everytime I heard the story of a serviceperson being outed for homosexuality I had to wonder why he was risking his life for people who deny him rights.

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  17. Raccoon1
    sirrom567  almost 14 years ago

    charlie, is every kind of behavior that doesn’t conform to what society deems “normal” to be considered a struggle or an affliction?

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  18. Marineiv
    MasterofSergeants  almost 14 years ago

    Jade, I am a 18+ year Marine. I am speaking from first hand knowledge. My private area does not have anything to do with it. My sole concern for these men is that there are a few who will seek them out and cause them harm. That and the destiny of their soul…

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  19. Raccoon1
    sirrom567  almost 14 years ago

    I don’t think most gay people in this day and age would see it that way.

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  20. Big dipper
    SuperGriz  almost 14 years ago


    Your concern for your “private area” seems … quaint.

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  21. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    charlie, I’m studdying psychology and homosexuality eft the DSM back in 1973, in other words, it’s no longer considered a disease.

    For somebody to be considered diseased, it doesn’t have to just stick out of the group, he has to feel bad about his difference.

    Most gays don’t feel bad, others feel bad about them

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  22. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  almost 14 years ago

    Maybe anyone who isn’t bisexual has a disorder. Who’s to say?

    If all of society is telling you that it’s wrong to be gay, and if there are serious problems in life – such as getting fired from jobs or even being put in prison – for being gay, then maybe, just maybe, some gay people would wish that they weren’t gay. But if society says, Hey, what’s the big deal, if your rights to employment are protected, and (mirabile dictu) if you’re even given the right to marry the person you love, then maybe you will be comfortable and happy the way God or Nature made you.

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  23. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “The running joke amongst them was, “What did your mother do to you?””

    That is the common theory. And it’s full of B.S. Plenty of gays and lesbians live absolutely normal lives with no parental abuse or anything. Many lesbians don’t “hate men.” Their dads didn’t do anything to them. And yet people tend to believe this bull hockey over, say, proven scientific research which shows things like… “the more older brothers you have the greater the chance you might be gay.” Then there’s chromosome research, hormone research, brain research. But no, hey, let’s think people choose to do it. That someone wakes up and decides, “hey, I want to be a hated 2-3%* marginalized portion of society.”
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  24. Chongyang 重阳
    mhenriday  almost 14 years ago

    Myming, please note that Ted has his character say that he is «willing to fight and die and kill for the US Army». Now I may be over-interpreting the cartoon - despite his naivistic style, Ted is a master of ambiguity - but I suspect that he is hinting here that the interests of the US Army are not necessarily identical to those of the United States (as opposed to those of the class running the show)….


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