MythTickle by Justin Thompson for September 18, 2008

  1. Eye
    Pokefan_Frank  over 16 years ago

    Well, I never expected to see Karma in a supermarket (the bear, I’m not so surprized). Couldn’t she just get one of the other gods to make the food appear out of nowhere? It would be a lot cheaper!

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    cmwulf  over 16 years ago

    Ok someone needs to make a stuff toy out of the panda bear.

    He is just too cute!

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    ScooterB  over 16 years ago

    Wow- Karma should have more balance in that situation- eh? Mmm, bamboo! Kerry just bought me a pair of bamboo boxers… very nice, but I am not thinking food… however, I will never wear them near bi-polar bear!

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