Thatababy by Paul Trap for May 04, 2016
dad: whoa!! is that frosting in your hair?! what happened to you?! mom: i stopped at the bakery after work to pick up some donuts for tomorrow's staff meeting...and that's when george clooney toweled me off and offered to pay for my dry cleaning! thatababy: arrgh! crummy pop-up add!
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
Hmmmm… sriracha shrimp at Applebee’s.
dennis.caunce almost 9 years ago
pretty much every mobile web page these days…
xeacons almost 9 years ago
Can we rewind?
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
I almost went to click on the ad to get rid of it!
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I can’t believe it was in the way!
Phnxtrtisaword almost 9 years ago
I was hoping for a May the 4th be with you type Star Wars joke. Oh well
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 8 years ago
So how much did Applebee’s pay you for this, Mr Trap?
mrgromit over 8 years ago
AdBlockPlus is your friend. Arcamax, for example, is virtually unviewable without it.
HowieL over 8 years ago
Well, it is Bongwater Day, anyway!
Nancy Murphy over 8 years ago
Might as well make some extra cash!
BAndABro over 7 years ago