Red and Rover by Brian Basset for May 02, 2016
Rover: What did your mom pack for your lunch? Red: Lemme look. Apple, carrot sticks, bologna sandwich, milky bone, scooter pie. Rover: Did you say a milky bone?! You did say a milky bone! Red: Here, I think this was meant for you so we don't get into my lunch early. Rover: Trade you a milky bone for a bologna sandwich.
Catfeet Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You drive a hard bargain, Rover!
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
What would Red do with a Milky Bone at school?
TexMichael almost 9 years ago
Freak out the girls by eating it during lunch. That would likely get him a trip to the principal or nurse.