Someone, Blackjack Pershing, I think, once said that if he owned Hell and Texas, he’d rent out Texas and live in Hell. Being a Texan, I understand fully.
911 had no effect on the dude. It didn’t change the plans they had campaigned on after it happened. He used the deaths of 911 as an excuse for his preconcieved neocon foreign policy plans, not to mention his own personal gain. It’s disgusting…
As an escaped Texas now living in the wilds of northern Washington, I have my weather display showing my current temperature and weather (at this writing, 66, blue skies, and sunny, and my former residence in San Antonio (97 - no more need be said).
My first thought was;
“It’s been a while since a Vice President shot someone.”
I don’t remember hearing about another since Aaron Burr.
She was England, the sovereign State, the British Empire.
She may not have wanted the information in an official capacity.
Just tell me Dick, why exactly are you not in jail?
Burr stayed in States that refused New York’s extradition requests.
ksoskins over 14 years ago
Once a Dick, always a Dick.
zero over 14 years ago
and/or Dick-tator…
Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago
Same as a Dick before him, Dick Nixon, he WAS a crook.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago
saganth over 14 years ago
Shouldn’t that first panel read “Explain something for *us*, Richard” ?
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
When Dick Baby lived in WY (YEARS AGO) he was a decent person. Danmed fool got in with Texans and went to Hell
hymenoxis over 14 years ago
Someone, Blackjack Pershing, I think, once said that if he owned Hell and Texas, he’d rent out Texas and live in Hell. Being a Texan, I understand fully.
Frankr over 14 years ago
Saganth: I do believe you’re right. Looks like you’ve caught Pab’s boo boo.
papachaucer over 14 years ago
@hymenoxix: It was actually Gen. Philip Sheridan. Personally, I think that says it all.
Varnes over 14 years ago
911 had no effect on the dude. It didn’t change the plans they had campaigned on after it happened. He used the deaths of 911 as an excuse for his preconcieved neocon foreign policy plans, not to mention his own personal gain. It’s disgusting…
Spyderred over 14 years ago
As an escaped Texas now living in the wilds of northern Washington, I have my weather display showing my current temperature and weather (at this writing, 66, blue skies, and sunny, and my former residence in San Antonio (97 - no more need be said).
madbristowart over 14 years ago
You’ve got him dead to rights, doc…
Would you like to shoot him now, or wait until you get home?
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
My first thought was; “It’s been a while since a Vice President shot someone.” I don’t remember hearing about another since Aaron Burr.
She was England, the sovereign State, the British Empire. She may not have wanted the information in an official capacity. Just tell me Dick, why exactly are you not in jail? Burr stayed in States that refused New York’s extradition requests.
Mary McNeil Premium Member over 14 years ago
hymenoxis - I actually think it was General Sherman who made that comment.
Pab Sungenis creator over 14 years ago
This was from February 2006, early days for the strip. I hadn’t quite settled into the speech patterns yet.
madbristowart over 14 years ago
Pab… you rock, brother! When can we look forward to some NAQV hot off the press?