Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for May 13, 2016

  1. Chanter
    Brian Fink  almost 9 years ago

    One of our first cats would always look for me on Saturday and Sunday around 2pm and meow at me until I laid down on the couch for her to take her nap on me. I miss that cat dearly.

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  2. Clown
    The1andOnlyTigger  almost 9 years ago

    Aww! I daresay your kitty is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge, Brian.

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  3. Dsc00302
    Sharon Hayes  almost 9 years ago

    I just noticed that Jimbo’s hand went to hold Peekaboo back from going after the squirrels.

    Plus, how can they all sleep in such an uncomfortable position? And it looks like Rose is taking a lot of the weight.

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  4. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 9 years ago

    My cats LOVE to sleep with us. One spent last night flat on her back, all four feet in the air, tail straight away from her body.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  almost 9 years ago

    Don’t argue. just nap.

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    Jessica_D  almost 9 years ago

    Interesting that it is Jimbo to keep Peekaboo in place and for her to stay. So often we see them in conflict.

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  7. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  almost 9 years ago

    No cat can resist a back rub.

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