Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 29, 2016
Nate the right Pundit "skeptic shock" Nate: and heres a scientist who says global warming is a farce and a hoax! The science just isn't in yet! Scientist: Thats right! Nate: AAAGHH! News Caster: Nate? Nate whats around? Rsh this man to the hospital! Nate: PAin! Doctor: This is obviously appendicitis! He needs surgery immediately! Wait! Nate: Urk! Scientist: Only 97 out of 100 medical scientists recommend the removal of the appendix! the science just isn't it yet! In fact, I dont think this is his appendix at all. People have pains all the time! last week my ankle hurt. Nate: urk Scientist: and even if it is, I beleuve surgery is the worst thing for Nate! Its too extreme! and expensive! Nate: urk! Doctor: But its clear the clear consensus of medical science that… scientist: Pshaw! Nate and I don't buy that! at one time, it was the scientific consensus that leeches cured leprosy! Scientist: No no! the science is split on this! Nate and I think we should study his condition over the next few years! Perhaps your'll want to read my study on appendicitis! Doctor: Its funded by the local funeral home! scientist: which employs dozens of american! he's a job killer right Nate?
Randy B Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It’s all a conspiracy to taint our precious bodily fluids.
wcorvi almost 9 years ago
It’s amazing that people would think scientists are faking climate change for the money, yet don’t notice that the Koch brothers are making BILLIONS on fossil fuels.
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 9 years ago
wcorviWhat you said: only I’d change the ‘amazing’ to ‘sadly typical’.Much of the Scientific Method is there simply because Linnæus got it wrong, we aren’t Homo sapiens, more like Homo credentis or Homo pontesbrooklyniensisemptor!
Carl Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Good ole false analogies.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Very funny but the difference is you can see what happens when an appendix bursts. It is not a theory.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 9 years ago
There’s an interesting principle about appendectomies. The hospital surgical committee wants to see surgeons taking out a few healthy ones. Diagnosis is not that exact, and a surgeon who produces only diseased appendices is taking too many chances, and the consequences of a mistake are dire. There’s a lesson here that will be completely lost on those suffering the peculiar mental disorder that insists nothing need be done to mitigate the human component of severe climate shift.
greenearthman almost 9 years ago
Pretty succinct.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Why have we not perfected the appendix transplant? I’m an organ donor…. appendix and tonsils.
jpozenel almost 9 years ago
I’m thinking Dr. Erwin Corey…but then he’s actually a very bright guy…and he’s surprisingly still alive…
Kreature almost 9 years ago
Global warming has lead to a greener planet and more biodiversity. It’s global cooling that kills.
mgrossberg almost 9 years ago
Nate has to live! Trump needs his endorsement!!
Eclectic-1 almost 9 years ago
Yes, the sciense is in and, yes, adding the “greenhouse” gasses that are released as a byproduct of combustion (water vapor & carbon dioxide) does result in some increase in average temperature, the actual result is less than 10% of that predicted. Even if the US were to stop all forms of energy use, it will not matter, as China & India will be doubling their energy and greenhose gas emmissions as the strive to better their standard of “living”. The real problem is that all energy produced, unless it is stored in chemical bonds, ends up as heat. The global warming caused by nature is not the problem, it’s the amount of global heating produced by our innefficient technology that is driving the problem to a point, like slowly moving a light switch to the “on” position, that will eventually trip the ecosystem to a different and much less human friendly state. The nuclear option, as it is half as efficient as coal, would make global heating worse. solar panels are a much more viable solution.
Vicsage1 almost 9 years ago
Surgery isn’t settled science when it comes to an infected appendix without a rupture. The University of Gothenburg in Sweden in 2012 did a study treating the infection with antibiotics alone. It seemed to be a toss-up. Other studies with children in the States seem to have indicated the same results. There is no settled science in science.
markjoseph125 almost 9 years ago
You could have ended that comment after the word “nothing,” and it still would have been correct.As one character said in a Heinlein novel, “Hans was a scientist. He wouldn’t trim his notion of truth to fit political gangsters.”
ArxFerrum almost 9 years ago
Real or unreal, Global Warming kills. Please go have a smoke and a beer before going any further.