Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for November 12, 2016

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    alondra  over 8 years ago

    Not the same thing. This reminds me of a time when a group of us were going to put on a special thing and we didn’t know what. Our leaders told us to think about it through the week and try to come up with ideas and we’d meet again the following week. I went to the meeting having thought about it all week and I had some good ideas and looked forward to presenting them. I’m sure others did too. But the leaders had already planned everything and the rest of us were simply told what our part was in their plan. I was pretty angry. I had other things to do that week than try to figure out an idea for this thing only to have them already plan everything without the rest of us having any input.

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    CeeJay  over 8 years ago

    Thanksgiving and Christmas…..CHINESE BUFFET !!!!!

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    scyphi26  over 8 years ago

    My mother has a sister a bit like her. Quick to jump to conclusions, doesn’t like discussing it in advance…that sort of thing.

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