Red: Carefully excavating this possible dinosaur bone with my fingers is wearing them down to the knuckles. Be right back. Ta-da! Here comes the U.S. Army corp of Engineers to the rescue! Um, perhaps the Navy Seabees instead?
The multinational corporations, a partner of the military, and co-owner of Congress, has abolished the Seabees for maximum profits, revolving doors, and under-the-table dealing in military secrets.
neverenoughgoldNo, just the wrong side of that bunch Eisenhower warned us about..Reynard61Where? Doing what? Does KBR know about this poaching on their exclusive preserves?
Catfeet Premium Member over 8 years ago
Where are the Marines?
hippogriff over 8 years ago
The multinational corporations, a partner of the military, and co-owner of Congress, has abolished the Seabees for maximum profits, revolving doors, and under-the-table dealing in military secrets.
dbc414 over 8 years ago
Red, Rover and the fighting Seabees. Can DO!
TexMichael over 8 years ago
That sailor’s hat is more comfortable since no risk of incoming projectiles or debris.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
neverenoughgoldNo, just the wrong side of that bunch Eisenhower warned us about..Reynard61Where? Doing what? Does KBR know about this poaching on their exclusive preserves?