Frazz by Jef Mallett for June 11, 2016

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    Tbeaubien  almost 9 years ago

    What the heck is ‘Texas sheet cake’? I’m asking as a lifelong Texan. Never heard that term before.

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  2. Laynegg
    Laynegg  almost 9 years ago

    Per Mr. Food Test Kitchen :They say “everything in Texas is bigger than life,” and that goes for our easy recipe for Texas Sheet Cake! This crowd-sized Texas chocolate sheet cake will delight chocolate lovers, and definitely take the cake!Read more at

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    hippogriff  almost 9 years ago

    BobarionI don’t know tumbleweed (not in north Texas), but I know bull nettle, which scatters its seeds with an explosive force rather than blowing around. When the seed pod starts showing white between the three lobes, use tongs to pick it and put them in two nesting cans and leave it in the sun. Soon it sounds like corn popping. The seeds require pliers and a small knife to pry open the shell and release the seed. Bake in place of pecans in a pecan pie recipe. It is a lot of work, but worth it. The flavor is something of a cross between peanut and sunflower seed.

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    gilker  almost 9 years ago

    Born-n-bred Texan here and I never heard of a Texas sheet cake, but it’s a big state, so I expect there’s lots of things I’ve never heard of from Texas. May Dad used to make a pineapple upside down cake in a cast iron skillet that was bigger’n Dallas that might qualify as a Texas sheet cake.

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    flipbook56  almost 9 years ago

    They bake a cake, usually chocolate, in a 15" X 10" jelly roll pan—instead of the usual 13" X 9" pan.

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    hippogriff  almost 9 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49I can’t imagine anything being dry in Houston.

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    Al Nala  almost 9 years ago

    Where oh where is Alexikakos when you need him?

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