Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for September 26, 2010
Adam: Oh my gosh! Today's the 26th! Laura: So? Adam: We missed Mark Hamill's birthday yesterday! Laura: And a great many voices cried out in terror... Adam: Hey, kids. Yesterday was Mark Hamill's birthday. We need to celebrate. Clayton: Nothing says 'Star Wars' more than a spirited viewing of Phineas and Ferb. Katy: I think Mr. Hamill would be flattered if we all went horseback riding. Adam: Horseback riding? Phineas and Ferb? What are you two talking about? You have to think big, like Luke! Think rebellion! Think over-throwing the evil empire! Think sticking it to all that's wrong with the world! Woman: Hello, Handsome Harry's used hummer sales...What? Is my refrigerator running?
Edcole1961 over 14 years ago
Use the farce, Adam.
DonVanni over 14 years ago
That’s it! Think the Joker!
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Seen my Corvette, anyone?
ses1066 over 14 years ago
So, are we abolishing politics this season?
Yeah, I know and AGREE that it is the best of all of the alternatives BUT after a long dose of all of the ADS, I could be persuaded!
dradk over 14 years ago
phineas and ferb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dante.deangelo over 14 years ago
My gosh, Mark is almost 60! So he was what 25 or so for the first film?