The Knight Life by Keith Knight for July 10, 2016

  1. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  over 8 years ago

    Dallas makes those words kind of hollow.

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    edward thomas  over 8 years ago

    I went to school with several now police officers. All were dedicated and conscientious. However, I have met others whose reasons for joining the force seems to be the wish to hold power over others, and to show how “tough” they can be.I wish there was an easy way to separate the psycopaths from the truly dedicated.

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    quanyindove  over 8 years ago

    So well said. There are good and bad in EVERY group. It is a shame that the good have to be judged with the bad in ANY group. I wish people would use common sense and realize that the actions of some don’t make a WHOLE that way. (I am sure the Muslims and Middle Easterners agree as well as Pit Bulls) Someday maybe society will get more of a brain. Instead of fighting and anger, learn to reach out and understand. It’s easier and lazier to do the first. The second one takes a bit of work. ; )

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