Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for September 15, 2010

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    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    Two dogs enter. One dog leaves.

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    Plods with ...™  over 14 years ago

    Has no one here heard of a hamper?

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  3. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED has taught me. 1, Open lid

    insert laundry’ Wait forever if I expect someone else to wash them Clothes will not fold themselves without the proper application of roses and or jewelry. Ironing is a secret known only to dry cleaners. Empty drawer space diminishes in direct proportion with the time between removing and returning a garment. A determined cat can remove a dirty sock from any hamper. BLAME THE CAT! When all else fails, repeat step 4. Whatever happened to the paper clothing fad of the 60s?
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    dahawk  over 14 years ago

    Two of our sons had twin beds in the same room. One of them kept his side neat as a pin. The other side looked like a pig sty. The messy one was complaining one day about not having anything clean to wear to school, and mom told him if the clothes were not in the hamper they would not get washed.

    Some time later he was rushing around getting ready for school and complained that he didn’t have any clean clothes. Of course, mom again told him that only clothes in the hamper would get washed. To which he replied,

    “Well, I put them in there last night!” We still laugh about that, especially now that he has a daughter approaching her teen years.

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