Gary Varvel for June 09, 2016

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    ratflinger Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Why? The proof is already there. Besides I ran my foundation like the Clinton’s run theirs I’d certainly be in jail already. Goose-stepping got Germany into a lot of trouble, but I forget the history is a fantasy subject for libs

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    magicwalnut Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Great ’toon, Gary!

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    BigMac2AllBeef  about 8 years ago

    This cartoon shows off Hillary’s “best side”… I am looking for a place to “hurl”

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    where are her “gang” that put up the ladder for her?The DNC, her large campaign staff and speech writers, the pro-Hillary MSM, the professional “protest” rioters, some wearing head-coverings and masks, like terrorists….?-Like Obama said, “you didn’t do that by yourself”….(and his regime is protecting Hillary from any legal consequences from her 4 years of secret E-Mails and violating rules that others have been punished for doing far less than Hillary has done…the FBI cannot indict, and the Obama AG is not likely to allow the laws to be enforced in Hillary’s case!-God’s Word is right, again:Habakkuk 1:4…“Therefore the law is powerless, and Justice never goes forth. Because the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.”

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    canFunny  about 8 years ago

    I wonder who and what will it take to break the “Clinton Foundation’s” ceiling? Also what kind of crap will come out of it. Had this woman been honest in her quest for the nomination would have been a bigger accomplishment.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    i suppose she isn’t anymore guilty than any other politician so status quo ante.

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    CYGNUS X1  about 8 years ago

    Now that was spot on!! Bravo!

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  8. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 8 years ago

    Well, the conservatives are riled today.So are a lot of Bernie supporters.

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  9. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    The Republicans lowered the glass ceiling, there was no other way around. Clinton smashed through this barrier for all women. It is past time we stop allowing white (and orange) men to dictate everything for the rest of the country.

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  10. Monkey
    The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Apparently the way to break through the glass ceiling is to sleep with the President

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @Night Gaunt 49…I’m not sure that you know the meaning of “blasphemy” (speech irreverent of God) or the meaning of Biblical names of God.-To Moses at Mount Horeb, in the commission for Moses to go lead Israel out of Egypt, and Moses asked what name should he give the people that they would accept, God said (Exodus 3: 13,14…“God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”-God’s name has been translated into many languages, and “GOD” in Hebrew, the language God gave to Israel to write and preserve, the Hebrew names are “EL, or ELYON, or ELOHIM, of SHADDAY, or YAHWEH.”-Jehovah is commonly used in the Old Covenant by Israelis, until they at some point refused to pronounce the full name.-In the New Covenant, our Bible’s New Testament, the resurrected Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission, which was to go to the world and preach the Gospel of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and to baptize them “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit).”-God’s Word, the Bible, gives many, many names for I AM, the Creator of the Universe, and of earth, and of Adam’s race of humanity. When a believer prays to “Our Father who is in heaven” God hears whatever language the believer knows.

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    jehornak  about 8 years ago

    Still not the first:Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood (October 24, 1830 – May 19, 1917) was an American attorney, politician, educator, and author. She was active in working for women’s rights. The press of her day referred to her as a “suffragist,” someone who believed in women’s suffrage or voting rights. Lockwood overcame many social and personal obstacles related to gender restrictions. After college, she became a teacher and principal, working to equalize pay for women in education.1 She supported the movement for world peace, and was a proponent of temperance.

    Lockwood graduated from law school in Washington, D.C. and became one of the first female lawyers in the United States. In 1879, she successfully petitioned Congress to be allowed to practice before the United States Supreme Court, becoming the first woman attorney given this privilege. Lockwood ran for president in 1884 and 1888 on the ticket of the National Equal Rights Party and was the first woman to appear on official ballots.2

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