Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 07, 2016
Nate: I didn't even look at the schedule. Who are we playing? Francis: "Just Desserts" Nate: Wait, what? There's another team in the league sponsored by a bakery? Francis: Yup! Teddy: They're supposed to be good, too. Nate: How good? Teddy: Ask Chad! He keeps notes on all the teams! Nate: Chad! Tell me everything you know about "Just Desserts"! Chad: Ah! Chad: They began as a wedding cake business, but four years ago. They started offering a wide variety of treats! Chad: They now make cakes, pies, muffins, croissants, breads, scones, and all kinds of pastries! Chad: Everyone raves about their eclairs, but give me their honey buns any day! Francis: Sweet scouting report! Nate: I just wanted to know if their pitched has a good curveball.
timmytohns over 8 years ago
What did you expect Nate?
Dogs Are Better Than Cats over 8 years ago
If that’s all he wanted to know, why did he ask Chad to say everything he knows about them?
B Dawg over 8 years ago
What is ur favorite baked good? Mine in red velvet cupcakes!
B Dawg over 8 years ago
LOL chad is so funny. He must be a person who studies the types of sugary items in the world.
joegeethree over 8 years ago
Laugh out loud funny!
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
So, we can assume Chad’s notes are filled with this kind of information
Deedeeholloway2 over 8 years ago
LOL- this strip totally reminds me of what Nate thinks the Boston Massacre is- see the strip of June 18, 2015
Comic Minister Premium Member over 8 years ago
Me too Nate.
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ask the question to which you actually want the answer. Nate got the answer to the question he asked, not the one he should have asked.
Liam.Brown over 8 years ago
Is it me, or does Teddy’s face look like an emoji?
FatSheep almost 5 years ago
Is it me, or do Francis’ eyes/glasses look weird in panel 3?
ND Cool Z over 4 years ago
“Just Desserts” sounds as embarrassing as “Cupcakes”. Nate’s team is not alone there!
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
Sounds delicious.