Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 04, 2010
Quill says, "We're a good team, Luann. I'm thinkin' we should make an album" Luann says, "I thought the same thing, Quill! We are a good team!" Quill says, "Our first album! 'Quill and Luann'!" Luann says, "Uh? 'Luann and Quill'" Quill says, "It's my music" Luann says, "It's my lyrics!" Quill says, "It's my equipment!" Luann says, "It's my voice!!" Quill says, "You know what? We're a lousy team!" Luann says, "You sure are!" Quill says, "Fine! G'bye!" Luann says, "Goodbye!"
JoeyCooler777 over 11 years ago
The Goofballs?
Hatjuggler1 over 8 years ago
It was Quill’s idea….just sayin’.
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
Maybe their first album should not be self-titled