For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 02, 2016

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 8 years ago

    A good deed like that shouldn’t be punished.

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    Can't Sleep  over 8 years ago

    I remember in kindergarten, a hundred years ago, and marveling at how big the third graders across the hall were.

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    LuvThemPluggers  over 8 years ago

    Very sweet of Elizabeth!

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 8 years ago

    They grow fast. Also showing such altruism at a young age is a good predictor of the rest of their life. Some are and some are not.

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    nosirrom  over 8 years ago

    A few years ago the mother of one of my son’s classmates expressed her gratitude for my son helping her daughter in their math class. When I relayed her thanks to him he had no idea what I was talking about. It’s just natural for him to be helpful where he can and had no idea what a big deal it can be to some.

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    hcarpenter1  over 8 years ago

    since when did she become kind? most of the time she is a little witch….

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    summerdog86  over 8 years ago

    She’s a teacher in the making! It shows up early, doesn’t it? I have seen the “older” kids on the playground help out the younger ones, even though they didn’t know them or have to do it. It’s either in you or it isn’t.

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    howtheduck  over 8 years ago

    The first and only appearance of Mrs. Kinney. Lizzie’s Grade 2 teacher will be older and single and more bedraggled.

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    tuslog1964  over 8 years ago

    Little is relative

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    nossmf  over 8 years ago

    My second son has always been bigger than my first, despite being several years younger.

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    Alphaomega  over 8 years ago

    When I was in kindergarten we were lined up next to the grade sixer’s at assembly.They looked like giants next to us,and the teachers like Sasquatch,and the principal like God! Which of course he was,or so he thought.

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    route66paul  over 8 years ago

    We had those scarey nuns – some were huge and a couple were just about our size, but they were sure scarey.

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