when I worked at a local department store I made the mistake of telling a young married woman a joke that I’d heard from an older married woman (she was making dispariging remarks about her husband after he sent her on an errand without giving her all the details for what he needed). After the 2 of us spent several minutes trying to figure out the best type of glue for the project he was working on we made our best guess and she said, “the next time my husband asks me to get something for him, I’m going to tell him to get it himself!” She was laughing at the time so I knew she meant it as a joke and we both got a good laugh. Anyway, the younger woman was in the same situation so after several minutes I tried to lighten the mood by repeating the other woman’s joke, but the younger customer didn’t laugh and I couldn’t figure out what I’d done wrong with the joke. A couple hours later the woman’s husband came storming into the store, walked right up to me, and hesitated because I’m 6’ 4" tall and heavy set, he was about 5’ 9" and skinny as a reed. He looked up at me and said, “Are you the one who insulted my wife?” I was confused because I couldn’t think of how I’d insulted his wife, but it turned out that she’d misunderstood the fact that I was trying to make a joke and thought I was saying she wasn’t smart enough to figure out what her husband wanted her to get and she’d ended up in tears by the time she got home. In the end, in spite of the size difference between us the man stood up to me and told me what he was going to do if I ever insulted his wife again. Even though I wasn’t guilty of anything, I still have an idea how Fred feels.
Dobber Premium Member over 8 years ago
Looks like Fred has an opportunity to practice Step 10 “….and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it”
juicebruce over 8 years ago
Robin-Hood Fred style :-)
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Size does matter…
doggiebin over 8 years ago
Take jock and go dig your bones in your yard fred! :) have some fun if he will forgive you for now
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 8 years ago
Shame on you Fred! I never thought of you as a bully, picking on poor little Jock. Tsk! tsk!
I Quit over 8 years ago
“It was I who stole his bone.”
patlaborvi over 8 years ago
when I worked at a local department store I made the mistake of telling a young married woman a joke that I’d heard from an older married woman (she was making dispariging remarks about her husband after he sent her on an errand without giving her all the details for what he needed). After the 2 of us spent several minutes trying to figure out the best type of glue for the project he was working on we made our best guess and she said, “the next time my husband asks me to get something for him, I’m going to tell him to get it himself!” She was laughing at the time so I knew she meant it as a joke and we both got a good laugh. Anyway, the younger woman was in the same situation so after several minutes I tried to lighten the mood by repeating the other woman’s joke, but the younger customer didn’t laugh and I couldn’t figure out what I’d done wrong with the joke. A couple hours later the woman’s husband came storming into the store, walked right up to me, and hesitated because I’m 6’ 4" tall and heavy set, he was about 5’ 9" and skinny as a reed. He looked up at me and said, “Are you the one who insulted my wife?” I was confused because I couldn’t think of how I’d insulted his wife, but it turned out that she’d misunderstood the fact that I was trying to make a joke and thought I was saying she wasn’t smart enough to figure out what her husband wanted her to get and she’d ended up in tears by the time she got home. In the end, in spite of the size difference between us the man stood up to me and told me what he was going to do if I ever insulted his wife again. Even though I wasn’t guilty of anything, I still have an idea how Fred feels.