Wow! This year has been awful! But it can't last forever!! Things have got to turn up! ... ... I have some news for you.
December 04, 2018
January 17, 2018
Yup, it’s been a stinker so far. Was this written before Nice, and the coup in Turkey?
…and then there’s the US presidential race…
don’t provoke it, Sarah.
You thought 2016 was bad?
Wait till 2020
2020: Sets the amusement park on fire and starts swallowing people whole
“ThIs YEaR hAs BeEn TeRrIbLe”Gurl, i live in 2020
Robin Hislop over 8 years ago
Yup, it’s been a stinker so far. Was this written before Nice, and the coup in Turkey?
Spooky D Cat over 8 years ago
…and then there’s the US presidential race…
John Glynn creator over 8 years ago
don’t provoke it, Sarah.
Ari Jones over 4 years ago
You thought 2016 was bad?
Nicolecat77106 over 4 years ago
Wait till 2020
Puck (BCN) about 4 years ago
2020: Sets the amusement park on fire and starts swallowing people whole
Mega Nerd almost 4 years ago
“ThIs YEaR hAs BeEn TeRrIbLe”Gurl, i live in 2020