Why is it my wife can forget to complete her sentences (like I’m suppose to me able to read her mind) but can always complete mine when I’m talking? I just say , No dear, now would you like to hear the rest of the story? Even after this there are times she will STILL try to complete my sentences!
llong65 over 14 years ago
AH……a senior moment. Having those now.
FUNG1 over 14 years ago
I remember the sentence … I just forget the WORDS I want to use!
“vocabulary ” come to mind at the moment.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Do I dare print this and uh—-give it to my wife?
ldyhwkd over 14 years ago
Lew - I wouldn’t recommend it.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
I sent it to my hubby - he was just complaining the other day that I don’t finish my sentences. Maybe this explains why?
FUNG1 - I always say the nouns are the first to go! (Ever notice it seems to be the nouns that you forget first?)
WallyCuppaJoe over 14 years ago
Rmom-I didn’t realize that, but you’re right.
doggiehouser over 14 years ago
Why is it my wife can forget to complete her sentences (like I’m suppose to me able to read her mind) but can always complete mine when I’m talking? I just say , No dear, now would you like to hear the rest of the story? Even after this there are times she will STILL try to complete my sentences!