Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 19, 2016

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Aaah, Carmen, your dreaming is adorable. Johnson is simply Repub-lite with less appeal to racism and bigotry.

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    hippogriff  over 8 years ago

    echoravenCurrent rash of cop killers: very current. Until this year, all the shooting and killing was the other way..You conveniently forget the police riots throughout the 20th century which were by Republicans and DINOs who finally admitted they were Re[publicans..Omar Mateer: A gay-basher which is a major plank in the Republican platform, frequently leading to self-loathing on the part of its victims..Rally violence: “Throw ’em out”, “I’d like to punch ’em in the face”, You know where those quotes come from.

    Snowflakes? I have know idea what that means, other than education is another thing the Trumpets hate (“I love the poorly educated”) .The “Free Speech Movement” in the mid-20th century came from Democrats; the ACLU was organized by Socialists, Democrats, and a few from the old style Republicans, most of whom were second generation survivors from the turn of that century’s Populists (now Greens).

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