Rather impossible to, or to move on, when people keep picking the wound. Oh, and “moving on” doesn´t mean forgetting – just that you don´t let it get worse.
Leftists forget the aid/comfort/support the Taliban and Saddam gave to al Qaeda, both before and after the 9/11 attacks. The thinking public does not forget. Thus the disenchantment with the current presidential candidates. Suppose leftists are enchanted with the lack of choice, as that is an element of their ideology.
Two from Egypt, one from Yemen, the rest from Saudi Arabia. So naturally we attack Iraq and Afghanistan and send weapons to Saudi Arabia to attack Yemen.
Dr.DocSmith over 8 years ago
Will no one ever answer ….why…..?
j-moser over 8 years ago
Tue Elung-Jensen over 8 years ago
Rather impossible to, or to move on, when people keep picking the wound. Oh, and “moving on” doesn´t mean forgetting – just that you don´t let it get worse.
Darryl Heine over 8 years ago
How can you display it sideways?
rfeinberg over 8 years ago
That’s the platform for this website, everything is horizontal. When it’s in the newspaper, you tilt it 90 degrees.
jbmlaw01 over 8 years ago
Leftists forget the aid/comfort/support the Taliban and Saddam gave to al Qaeda, both before and after the 9/11 attacks. The thinking public does not forget. Thus the disenchantment with the current presidential candidates. Suppose leftists are enchanted with the lack of choice, as that is an element of their ideology.
jbmlaw01 over 8 years ago
Certainly thinking-Americans hoped to elect a president who would not pay ransom to evil, a virtue that ceased in 2009. Unlikely this election.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Thank you that’s very beautiful never forget
hippogriff over 8 years ago
Two from Egypt, one from Yemen, the rest from Saudi Arabia. So naturally we attack Iraq and Afghanistan and send weapons to Saudi Arabia to attack Yemen.