If I go to an adult toy store and later an office supply store after I visit the grocer’s, then two people ask where I went after the grocer’s I can give two different answers that are truthful but will sound like lies if they compare notes. Being scatterbrained, I’d forget to answer both places to both people.
starcandles Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hillary could learn something from Ruthie.
Diane in comics land Premium Member over 8 years ago
If I go to an adult toy store and later an office supply store after I visit the grocer’s, then two people ask where I went after the grocer’s I can give two different answers that are truthful but will sound like lies if they compare notes. Being scatterbrained, I’d forget to answer both places to both people.
Jim Kerner over 8 years ago
I guess that Ruthie watches Judge Judy because this is something that she says.