Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for September 07, 2016

  1. Unnamed
    Espoc  over 8 years ago

    “… passed along (not so) deserted corridors”

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  2. Unnamed
    Espoc  over 8 years ago

    “Lead the way, she commanded, clinging possessively to Tarzan’s arm”

    “Can I make you a question, queen?”

    “Sure, Tarzan”

    “Are you short sighted?”

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  3. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 8 years ago

    The lion was nervous; it was his rookie season. If he did well here he would move up to the big arena.

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  4. Missing large
    Old Comic Strip Lover  over 8 years ago

    Gemnon is about to have to decide who side he is on: the Quenn’s or Tarzan and his friend in the private viewing pit.

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    profkatz  over 8 years ago

    There goes another dead lion walking. Tarzan should throw Erot down into the arena to see what happens…….:)> ErotMeatDisgustingAGowa!!

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