As the mid-term elections approach I hope everyone remembers that the Great Recession started at the end of the Bush Administration and is the result of 8 years of Republican misrule. Reelecting the people who destroyed the economy certainly isn’t going to fix anything.
The Republicans believe the Wall Street needs little or no oversight. The 2008 economic collapse is a direct result of this policy. Banks followed strategies that led to short-term gains and long-term disaster. We are all suffering as a result.
If you would lile to have a job next Labor Day, this November please elect people who do not trust Wall Street millionaires to do what’s best for anyone but themselves. Regulation of Wall Street is necessary, and the Democrats are best suited to provide it.
I realize this is an partisal comment, but in the last few months Nathan Cooper has made this strip blatantly pro Republican. I’m sure he meant today’s strip to be a condemnation of the current administration. I wanted everyone to think a little more long term.
My wife makes more on unemployment that I do working @^%$@^%#@^%@# Thank you Prez Bush. I was hoping Prez Obama could fix the mistakes of the last one.
Kosher71 over 14 years ago
Yep .
Totalloser Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sad but true
Ed The Red Premium Member over 14 years ago
As the mid-term elections approach I hope everyone remembers that the Great Recession started at the end of the Bush Administration and is the result of 8 years of Republican misrule. Reelecting the people who destroyed the economy certainly isn’t going to fix anything.
The Republicans believe the Wall Street needs little or no oversight. The 2008 economic collapse is a direct result of this policy. Banks followed strategies that led to short-term gains and long-term disaster. We are all suffering as a result.
If you would lile to have a job next Labor Day, this November please elect people who do not trust Wall Street millionaires to do what’s best for anyone but themselves. Regulation of Wall Street is necessary, and the Democrats are best suited to provide it.
I realize this is an partisal comment, but in the last few months Nathan Cooper has made this strip blatantly pro Republican. I’m sure he meant today’s strip to be a condemnation of the current administration. I wanted everyone to think a little more long term.
Ink-adink-adoo over 14 years ago
Well sed, Ed.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
My wife makes more on unemployment that I do working @^%$@^%#@^%@# Thank you Prez Bush. I was hoping Prez Obama could fix the mistakes of the last one.