Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for August 26, 2016

  1. 20230415 170925
    Chithing  over 8 years ago

    Ah, Breezy. You had doubts? You’re the pin in Rip’s grenade! The blasting cap to his C-4!

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  2. Seafox02
    SeaFox10  over 8 years ago

    She looks great! Too bad there’s probably going to be an explosion during the wedding! â˜ș

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  3. Convergeplate640
    jeffhapp  over 8 years ago

    Y’know Dan, you were so right about having more fun with the buildup to and including the “Wedding” through this timeline 
 their skip to ’Vegas to get hitched felt like a cheat
 (did someone ghostwrite that? Hah!

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    Malcolm Hall  over 8 years ago

    I suspect that tomorrow’s strip will be a keeper. I’m guessing a single panel filled with all of our favorite characters – villains and heroes.

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  5.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  over 8 years ago

    Hope the action and adventure continues after the wedding. A domestic, suburban Rip Haywire is no fun.

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    waterworld  over 8 years ago

    @beenthere240plenty of goons, to be sure, if Dr. Pain arrives with her, um, “entourage”
will make for one fun-filled reception

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  7. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 8 years ago

    You’re the nitro in his glycerin. You’re the red wire that keeps his heart ticking.

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  8. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 8 years ago

    And the Dragoncat Award for Best LOL goes to
Chithing! Good one

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  9. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 8 years ago

    this sequence is especially notable for me as I’m getting married tomorrow

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  10. Nancy pie hole
    hablano  over 8 years ago

    The igniter in his incendiary, the blasting cap in his dynamite

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  11. Me  mick foley
    dwkiser28603  over 8 years ago

    whatever,get cobra to crash it and cause a scene like in the graduate

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  12. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  over 8 years ago

    Breezy looks so beautiful! The simple dress really lets her hair shine out, and the red roses are perfect. I would have added a little veil, just enough to add some interest but not interfere with the beauty of her hair.

    ’Course who knows what her ensemble will end up looking like by the end of the wedding

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  13. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  over 8 years ago

    STILL waiting to see what Cobra does. The lack of her presence lately bodes ill

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  14. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  over 8 years ago

    Oooh, just had an idea. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Cobra dresses up like Breezy (wig and all) and gets to the chapel before Breezy does, and marries Rip before Breezy can arrive? We all know that wouldn’t last and all would be right in the end, but I think it would be fun.

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    bbwoof  over 8 years ago

    I’m hoping Cobra will show up just as the preacher asks if anyone here, etc, etc, and scream out, WAIT, WAIT, Stop the wedding. You’re just marrying her for spite. If she knew the inside story, She’ll tell you what you’re doing just ain’t right.

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