Man: Where's the boss? woman: She went to a meeting. Man: It's four o clock. She won't be coming back here. I'm going to sneak out. Woman: Why are you still here? Man: She seems to have installed a force field of fear around my workstation.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
Place I work for, the engineers go out to lunch and never come back till next morning. It’s a rough life. When they have to demo the product, they take a tech with them who actually knows how it works.
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
The only woman I’ll work for is my wife…
ellisaana Premium Member over 8 years ago
Maybe those engineers who don’t return from lunch are doing something else with their time which is company-related..In our office, there was always a bit of suspicion and friction between the in-office staff and those who worked ‘in the field.’.Inside staff had the mis-preception that outside workers came to work late, left early and had an easy job because they could “set their own schedules.”
Outside people complained that the in-office staff were always throwing parties, never had to work unpaid overtime and always shifted the blame for errors to outside staff..
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
Don’t take it personally! Over my many years in business I worked with many women, and some were extremely good at what they did. I just can’t work for a woman, never have and never will; except my wife, of course…
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
As for the troll reference, it is an insult; but I won’t take it personally…
hippogriff over 8 years ago
ellisaanaI have noticed that excluded middle phenomenon too, not only in female bosses, but in female pastors as well. There is the obvious factor of “positions of authority”, but not explanation for the lack of just average. Granted, most of my life was when no women were permitted any real org-chart authority (token positions such as authority only over other women, not valid).