that reminds me, once I went to my vet and he had an enormous bul mastiff that he was about to get a shot, so his owner told him"Platz" which you tell a german dog to sit, but when the needle touched his skin he growled in a horrible way.That was repeated half a dozen times, and I had to leae, but it’s the first time I saw this vet scared, we had him for ages treating our various cats and dogs.
marie28443 over 8 years ago
Marm is so sweet – look at the bow on the bone for his friend.
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
awwwwwwwwwwhat a sweet doggy you are Marmaduke.
cubswin2016 over 8 years ago
What? No card or flowers?
annette143NotMe over 8 years ago
Lol! the vet is about to hop up on the counter :D
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
He brought a treat! I’m sure it’s way better than the slop they call hospital food…
Uskoke over 8 years ago
that reminds me, once I went to my vet and he had an enormous bul mastiff that he was about to get a shot, so his owner told him"Platz" which you tell a german dog to sit, but when the needle touched his skin he growled in a horrible way.That was repeated half a dozen times, and I had to leae, but it’s the first time I saw this vet scared, we had him for ages treating our various cats and dogs.
Number Three over 8 years ago
Awww. This is lovely!
The1andOnlyTigger over 8 years ago
Aww! <3