Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for August 25, 2016

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    Dr.DocSmith  over 8 years ago

    Watch the movie Amedeus, not enough about Mozart’s childhood though. He was composing at four, and he his father and sister toured Europe for quite a while. she was a better player than him, but she was a she. He died during an epidemic, and was buried in a common grave, no one knows where. Around Vienna.

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    Vince M  over 8 years ago

    You can also sing it to “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer”.

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    Kip W  over 8 years ago

    Finding that there were no convenience stores, the lad sighed and went back to the keyboard.

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    craigwestlake  over 8 years ago

    I’m happy to see he chose a tune that everyone knows…

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    halvincobbes Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Works with Beethoven’s 5th, too.

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    Sisyphos  over 8 years ago

    Hey, it’s hard on a kid’s psyche, having to dress like that at age four!No wonder he turned to a life of crime and faded into the mists of history.If only his parents had enrolled him at Blisshaven Academy; who knows what friends he could have made there….

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    BruhItzNeal  over 8 years ago

    Oh MAN!! he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MoZaRt:)HahahhaLol Mozart and his twin brother and I Don’t like to compose music

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    BruhItzNeal  over 8 years ago

    Oh MAN!! he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MoZaRt:)HahahhaLol Mozart and his twin brother and I Don’t like to compose music

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