Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 15, 2016
summer fun preview june 5 ethnic street festival - celebrate the contributions of an ethnicity to be announced to american culture in dance, fried food & face painting. pennsylvania ave. 12 new suv lane opens on i-95 23 cosmetology talk - by stephen hawking. no refunds given. smithsonian. 29 most vulgar t-shirt on the boardwalk competition - ocean city. july 1 crab dissection workshop - use of the little wooden mallet highlighted. 4 birthday of george m. cohan. banks closed. 6 mayonnaise festival - delaplane, va. 17 invisible dog show - ocean city. 21 swelterfest 99 - alternative rock, heatstroke, sun poisoning, fluid loss, coma, chicks. august 2 masters putt-putt tournament - ocean city 5 sea nettle festival - st. michaels. md. 12 sudden intrusive thoughts of al gore 23 1st annual running of the suvs - rte. 355. rockville to germantown, md.
wonka291 over 8 years ago
GoComics needs to get with the programme. It’s November, guys!
brooklyn51 over 8 years ago
Good stuff no matter what the time of year!
OldestandWisest over 8 years ago
Is the lane new or do the SUVs have to be to use it?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Rock music and heat stroke seem to go together….
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Looks like a fun summer! I can hardly wait, except that most of the highlighted events are nowhere near me….