Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 28, 2016
woman: i'm engrossed in "duck! the complete guide to modern living." with over 250,000 pages & reinforced binding, it doubles as a handy, family-size emergency shelter. kid: mommy! i'm trapped in the index! duck! the complete guide to modern living. man: i'll just be trying to decipher the instructions on this bottle of medicine, so don't you mind me. what in hell does "flummoxofin" treat, anyway? boy: until a new "harry potter" comes out, i'm going to concentrate my reading on cereal boxes exclusively. i find that there is much to learn from the feverish, sugar-crazed imaginings of over-paid copywriters with too much space to fill and hey there's no toy in this one. boy 2: i read only the comics page, the last venue for quality work by dead white males. man 2: "brewed using only the finest malt, hops & barley." there, i read something. go away.
Fredcritter over 8 years ago
“A society with no readers is, in the long run, not much influenced by its writers.” —Paul Zimnsky
Kip W over 8 years ago
I can think of one dead white male cartoonist whose work is, indeed, of the highest quality. I’m in the twilight zone now, where much of the almanac and Cul-de-sac are still new to me. Not looking forward to the day I start recognizing all the strips.
Hi, Fred. Long time, no see.
Malcolm Hall over 8 years ago
I read somewhere that “flummox” was coined by Charles Dickens, another great dead white male writer.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
And now Mr. Richard Thomson has joined that illustrious group.
I read somewhere that “flummox” was coined by Charles Dickens, another great dead white male writer.
I never have heard that.
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Not so sure about “dead white males” except for our dear departed Richard, but I do a lot reading of comics these days, and a fair amount of commenting on them (now approaching 35000 comments)….
tigerchik32 over 8 years ago
Does this mean that the bookworm (human) is an endangered species? Cause, I’m feeling threatened.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 8 years ago
I believe Flummoxofin is an experimental treatment for Alzheimer’s.