Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 30, 2016
-advertisement- 5 cd set planning a long car trip with the kids? you'll need - the bee in the car goes buzz buzz buzz songs of travel for children over 300 sing-along songs, including- are we there yet? the pinching song whining across the u.s.a. on the road again (chipmunks remix) the skipppingpingpingping cd larry the toll booth guy the back of daddy's head (is big & fat & red) how much farther now? my li'l' bladder (goes kablam!) one more peep a million cows live in ohio (the counting song) the bee in the car 4'33" (the john cage song) are we there yet? (reprise) 5 cd's only $2995 send cash only to: mr. richard thompson richard's poor almanac clo this publisher hurry! this offer expires right now! kid: larry the toll booth guy ate too much much pizza pie, he gained so much weight that he's blocking the gate and nobody can get by! toll guy: what? toll
fishbulb239 over 8 years ago
Be sure to Google the 4’33" reference. Its description reminds me of quite a bit of modern art that I’ve personally found to be quite befuddling.
Dave over 8 years ago
I found the full orchestra version to be particularly stimulating.
gbars70 over 8 years ago
Forgotten here was that venerable old ditty; “Don,t make me come back there”.
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Mwahahahahah! (Laughs hysterically!)
No children. No songs in my car. In fact, no other person in my car, ever (except for the time I had to take a driver’s license renewal road test). It’s a little car, rather like Peter Otterloop’s, and I’m a single Old Fart….
well-i-never over 8 years ago
Or “If I have to turn this car around…”.