Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 21, 2017
ye booke shop ben: just who is this richard thompson feller, that he should have his own almanac? bird: gee, ben, he's one of the great satirical caricaturists of our time. social and political! ben: i've heard the same said about me. bird: this person is a true artist, ben. his perceptiveness and his wry wit blend beautifully with his ability to draw bird: think of michelangelo with a sense of humor. ben: ah, does ceilings, does he? ben: seriously, i can't say enough in his favor, such is my admiration for the man and his work! ben: i think he should go fly a kite bird: come now - talents like his don't come along every day. they orta give him the noble prize or something! ben: that's dynamite (to coin a phrase) - but how can one like someone this nobel? bird: hey, don't get me wrong - he's also a great human bean! ben: i'll be the judge of that. where can i see his work? bird: just turn this here page.
kesting almost 8 years ago
wow I didn’t know that guest cartoonists took over his poor almanac too, pretty funny stuff. I’m sure it embarrassed the heck out of him.
ChessPirate almost 8 years ago
Notice how they mixed the meanings of “noble” and “Nobel”?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Many nice play-on-words and phrases with connexions to Ben or Richard.
well-i-never almost 8 years ago
He could have drawn this himself and I would have enjoyed it just as much. Maybe more!
Sisyphos almost 8 years ago
Worthy tribute.
Richard and old Ben would have got along famously, I believe. Indeed, they probably are, now….