Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 05, 2017
let's look at clouds and learn their names stratospecious - gassy blobs of hot humid air that tend to pile up over public buildings & personages of importance. common to d.c. in all weather. clinto in tawdry love nest shocke cocaine binge alien grou sex org denta recor scurrilous - not a very trustworthy cloud! don't lend it much credence! invective - always accompanied by light-ning, stars, typography, skulls, etc. comulus - formed by rapid evaporation of liquidity & unstable solvency. big bunny-shaped clouds - sure they're cute until they start precipitating on you.
Kip W over 7 years ago
Just have to say it: This is QUALITY almanacking.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
These are clouds full of meaning! And behind every cloud there is another cloud, ad infinitem….
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Bunny poop!
Woo Hoo!