Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 08, 2018
what's the right band instrument for you? the sousaphone try handling this thing in a stiff breeze without incurring a major mal-occlusion. it's a regular orthodontist's delight. avoid this one. man: ow the viola the most ill-tempered member of the notor-ious string family. currently under indictment for ar-ranging a hit on the woodwind family. viola: tonight the bassoon sleeps with the fishes. cello: right, boss. the clockenspiel about as usical as a baby's pull-toy. you might as well jsut jingle the loose change in your pants pocket. dinky dinky dink dinkadink dink dink dinkydi dinky dink kid: stop.
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
Stop the music!