Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 14, 2018
richard's poor almanack ---- by richard thompson "wave" goodbye to sponge germs! did you know that your kitchen sponge is more contaminated with disease-causing organisms than your toilet seat? your sponge is a hotbed of germs, spores, spirochetes, viruses, bacteria, animacules, wee beasties, whos and nanocooties! just look- magnified 9,000x germ 1: man, this sponge sure is crowded today. germ 2: and how. but now, sci-entists with time on their hands have dis-covered that 2 minutes in the microwave can kill 99% of contaminates- scientist 1: ha-ha! i put a sponge in the microwave! scientist 2: cool! scientist 3: marshmallow peeps were a lot more fun. here's how- dampen sponge thoroughly. 4 5 6 7 8 9 pop corn pizza or sponge hot dog put in microwave, push "sponge." kid: can i put syrup on it? oop: no. serve while hot (optional). meanwhile, on your toilet seat. germ 1: whew, it's nicer here, and what a great view! germ 2: sure it's nice, until somebody de-cides to sit down on you.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
Meet Spongebod Germypants. Leaves a trail of pathogens and the dying everywhere3 he goes. There is a Red Number One Emergency out to catch or carbonize him. Can Spongebob Squarepants save his contagious cousin? Should he? Stay tuned to see if Squidward hulks out into Vilgagx or dies from the infection. Will his odder brother Spongebob Oblongpants save the day in a weird way. Keep watching and have your vaccinations up to date for tomorrow.
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
If I were to sponge off my toilet seat, would I survive to tell the story?