Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 06, 2019
richard's poor almanack ..... by richard thompson the populist's guide to washington planning to visit your nation's capital? well, think again, bub, they don't want you joe sixpacks with your main street common sense and your hard-working front porch values in their shining city on a hill! see?! eastern elitists so go on back to your small town yahoo trailer parks and race your snow machines, ok? they've got a country to run! anyone who forgets the secret eastern elitist handshake has to go! journalists department of time-wasting, from the look of it guy: ooh, i hate america! department of wasteful behavior the real america office of good-for-nothingness fancy-schmancy cocktail parties galore look at all this wasted space the bureaucracy george-town man: i'm here to visit my gummint! guy 2: begone, rubel! communist northern virginia socialist maryland suburbs
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 6 years ago
Some things never change. That’s important to a conservative.
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
We’re all just rubes. It’s a firggin’ Ponzi scheme.
tinner2000 about 6 years ago
I’ve never seen such an accurate portrayal of the Feds.
Joan Tinnin Premium Member about 6 years ago
How predictive
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Too true! Can’t laugh; ’tain’t funny, McGee!