Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for October 30, 2016
Lupin: A tower has been erected in the living room! Elvis: Overnight a tower has sprung up, out of nowhere! Not really sure what the flag is about... Puck: It's not a very big tower, but it's the perfect size to defend the living room. Elvis: I'm going to investigate further, for a closer look... Lupin: Got your nose! Elvis: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I AM TRYING TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST! Lupin: So am I! On your nose... Elvis: IT'S ON MY FACE! Puck: You two rest. I'll take first watch!
Doctor Toon over 8 years ago
Our cats mostly ignored the little tower when we had one, but they’ve nearly worn the carpet and ropes off of the big cat tree
Kalkkuna over 8 years ago
Wait’ll they find the box it came in…
She Mc over 8 years ago
Just too much fun, my cats would never play in the one they had!!!
A R V reader over 8 years ago
ladykat Premium Member over 8 years ago
Priceless! “Got your nose”
Brein43 over 8 years ago
Lupin! So naughty, love the fangy smile. Elvis, the puffyiest of puffy tails. Barracks!
Another classic, Georgia.
jadoo823 over 8 years ago
…I love that Lupin still has Elvis’ “nose” in the last panel…
Perkycat over 8 years ago
The tower! They like it!
miscreant over 8 years ago
Oh yes the kitty tower. I have a 7’ tower with multi level platforms and recesses and one of the youngest loves the top platform. The only time she gets dethroned is when I let one of the cockatoos out and they buzz the tower. The cat immediately vacates to lower ground. I try to warn her but after 4 years she still hasn’t learned yet. I really think it is a game between her and the 3 birds.
Teto85 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Sometimes I wonder if we get cat toys and towers and other accoutremonts for the cats or for us to watch the cats adjust to them.
............................cocoultergeistCCvCerus over 8 years ago
same, my guys were more interested in the box it came in
prrdh over 8 years ago
Anyone want to place bets on how long it will take for the ‘flag’ to be rolling around on the floor?
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
I would say the fort will be well defended! LOL
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 8 years ago
I have three cats and I just LOVE this strip!