Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 18, 2016
November 17, 2016
November 19, 2016
Lupin: And in local news, the People went grocery shopping...Puck?
Puck: Thanks Lupin. I'm live where Elvis is hiding in a paper bag.
Elvis: No I'm not. Oof.
Lupin: Puck, do we have any word on who's in that bag?
This feels very fresh to me, may have somehow missed it the first time around. We have the reusable bags here, plastic grocery bags are banned in Portland, and the irls play in them, although they sadly lack the delightlul crunching sound.
I had a cat that used to like crawling into plastic bags until one got stuck around her and she went howling through the house at full speed, knocked over a mirror and a lot of other things before I could stop her. It traumatized her so badly she hid under a desk and growled and would not come out for a week. She hated plastic bags from then on.
RH3 about 8 years ago
Whoever it is, it isn’t Elvis. He said so.
boxturtle about 8 years ago
I think my cats miss the paper grocery bags. My local store is all plastic. ugh
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 8 years ago
If Elvis says he’s not in the bag, then who are you going to believe? Him or your lying eyes?!
BWR about 8 years ago
Elvis has left the bag.
Brein43 about 8 years ago
This feels very fresh to me, may have somehow missed it the first time around. We have the reusable bags here, plastic grocery bags are banned in Portland, and the irls play in them, although they sadly lack the delightlul crunching sound.
ladykat Premium Member about 8 years ago
Yum Yum likes to play with the plastic grocery bags.
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
Every time leave a recyclable bag on the floor Jingle Bell MUST examine it, climb inside, then jump on top of it.
mistercatworks about 8 years ago
For real fun, tear one corner out of the bag. My kitten graduated from bag ambushes to bag-in-box skirmishes and eventually to box-in-bag attacks.
karlene_fial about 8 years ago
These guys usually act as a team. Refreshing to see them act like our cats once in a while so I don’t have to be jealous of Georgia.
smorbie the great and beautiful about 8 years ago
Yeah, the lump in the bed covers was great!
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
Yeah, no saying who or what is in the bag…‘cus it isn’t Elvis…he said so-LOL
tdtannehill about 8 years ago
I had a cat that used to like crawling into plastic bags until one got stuck around her and she went howling through the house at full speed, knocked over a mirror and a lot of other things before I could stop her. It traumatized her so badly she hid under a desk and growled and would not come out for a week. She hated plastic bags from then on.
catsrawesome over 7 years ago
Elvis’s paw doesn’t look like that…