Decisions, decisions…
The light bulb moment!
I hope we get to see what Mal sees when he looks at Fairbairn.
An ability to climb onto roofs for starters…dunno if that helps in any meaningful way, but…
Yes, I hope that is an AHA! expression…
Uh… I got nothin’.
wetidlerjr about 8 years ago
Decisions, decisions…
Diat60 about 8 years ago
The light bulb moment!
Striped Cat about 8 years ago
I hope we get to see what Mal sees when he looks at Fairbairn.
scyphi26 about 8 years ago
An ability to climb onto roofs for starters…dunno if that helps in any meaningful way, but…
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
Yes, I hope that is an AHA! expression…
Dragoncat about 8 years ago
Uh… I got nothin’.