Angry Little Girls by Lela Lee for September 19, 2016

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    LNER4472 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Is not the automatic presumption that a woman’s words will be dismissed or greeted with hostility and disdain by men just as equally sexist (against men), arrogant, and hostile as the presumed behavior by men?

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    ruizuno  over 8 years ago

    This is completely true. Now lets watch all the men start dismissing and criticizing this strip for speaking up and saying something they don’t like.

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    CeeJay  over 8 years ago

    You nailed it, Ms.Lee!

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    barister  over 8 years ago

    I don’t get that opinion from the multitude of Korean and Japanese dramas I watch. In addition, I know lots of VERY outspoken Asian/oriental females. Some born in the USA, and some not. They have “traditional parents” but live outside of a lot of the bounds of their culture. They know what they want, and will call you rude in a heartbeat. I’ve seen them interact with their families and it is not subservient.

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    tegm  about 8 years ago

    I’m really glad you pointed out that it’s women who perpetuate these anti-women values, too, and usually without even realizing that they’re doing it. People are under this impression that only men oppress women, and that supposedly if only women could call the shots, things would be better for women. The real tragedy is that sexist values are so fundamentally ingrained that even women will drive them against womankind, without ever realizing what they’re doing. It’s like they don’t see this affects how our gender is perceived and treated as a whole, which in turn affects how people see each individual woman.

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