Poorcraft by C. Spike Trotman for February 13, 2017

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 8 years ago

    That fifty-dollar chicken better be damned tasty…

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  2. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 8 years ago

    The eggs sure taste better but the chicken all depends on the variety you raise. Some species give good eggs but taste not so good. Where I live (backyard coops less than 3 acres) you can only have 6 hens no roosters and you cannot kill the hens for food. Now consider that you only get eggs food about 3 years but the chickens live for 5-6 years. Six years old chickens don’t taste very good no matter the species.

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    Daniel Jacobson  about 8 years ago

    My grandma had a rooster that patrolled her potato patch, eating the potato bugs. Later on, when she decided to butcher and cook him, his meat turned out to smell like raw potatoes

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