“The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms” was the film that influenced the makers of “Godzilla” (1954) was in 1953. Ray Harryhausen’s first solo work for a story based upon a short story by Ray Bradbury called “The Foghorn” about a lonely monster who is fooled by a light house into thinking it is one of its own kind. It was turned into the first prehistoric creature awakened from its eon sleep in the Arctic ice by an H-Bomb military test there. {Are they nuts!?} It moves its way to its old breeding ground, what we call Manhattan Island.-Your whole premise is wrong, not Japan, it was the USA that started it all, but Japan took over the kaiju genre to this day.
Unbelievable, 2 Gamera references in 1 day!! The other in today’s ‘’Sally Forth’’ [https://safr.kingfeatures.com/idn/ck3/content.php?file=aHR0cDovL3NhZnIua2luZ2ZlYXR1cmVzLmNvbS9TYWxseUZvcnRoLzIwMTYvMDkvU2FsbHlfRm9ydGhfbnRiLjIwMTYwOTE4Xzc2MC5naWY=]
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
“The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms” was the film that influenced the makers of “Godzilla” (1954) was in 1953. Ray Harryhausen’s first solo work for a story based upon a short story by Ray Bradbury called “The Foghorn” about a lonely monster who is fooled by a light house into thinking it is one of its own kind. It was turned into the first prehistoric creature awakened from its eon sleep in the Arctic ice by an H-Bomb military test there. {Are they nuts!?} It moves its way to its old breeding ground, what we call Manhattan Island.-Your whole premise is wrong, not Japan, it was the USA that started it all, but Japan took over the kaiju genre to this day.
marshalldoc over 8 years ago
But I loved Gamara… he’s the children’s friend!
marshalldoc over 8 years ago
Unbelievable, 2 Gamera references in 1 day!! The other in today’s ‘’Sally Forth’’ [https://safr.kingfeatures.com/idn/ck3/content.php?file=aHR0cDovL3NhZnIua2luZ2ZlYXR1cmVzLmNvbS9TYWxseUZvcnRoLzIwMTYvMDkvU2FsbHlfRm9ydGhfbnRiLjIwMTYwOTE4Xzc2MC5naWY=]