They could eleminate that by mounting the telescope so it can be stored inside. On the other hand: Who uses refractor telescopes? Or even looks through the reflector ones? There was photography between the lookysee and the computer techniques, yet cartoonists still make them look like a ship’s turret. Would it be less funny to have it accurate and maybe a bit educational.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 8 years ago
This is an old calambour
lesmcf over 8 years ago
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Thanks for clearing that up, Doc.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
They could eleminate that by mounting the telescope so it can be stored inside. On the other hand: Who uses refractor telescopes? Or even looks through the reflector ones? There was photography between the lookysee and the computer techniques, yet cartoonists still make them look like a ship’s turret. Would it be less funny to have it accurate and maybe a bit educational.