Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 28, 2016
The Ouija board got its name after being asked what it should be called. When asked what the name meant, the board allegedly replied, good luck. Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. Ten thousand egg quite's were reportedly used to build Puente De Piedra in Lima, Peru.
Tossle Premium Member over 8 years ago
If you blindfold all the participants, an Ouija Board will not work. Funny that.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
“Oh, great ouija board, how do you know all the answers,” asks Calvin. The answer read by Hobbes from the board is “3.”
Bilan over 8 years ago
Arachibutyrophobia sounds like the fear of sitting on a spider.
potrerokid over 8 years ago
Oui ( French yes ) & ja ( German yes ); problem solved!!!!!
therese_callahan2002 over 8 years ago
That phobia was mentioned in a Pee Wee Harris strip printed in a old issue of Boys’ Life, when Pee Wee’s troop met an Australian boy,
therese_callahan2002 over 8 years ago
I had a Ouija Board when I was very young. But if you think it’s just a harmless board game, then you haven’t seen the Ouija Board movies.
karfanz51 over 8 years ago
ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA is real. My brother had it. Would not eat any peanut butter, even when my dad made a very lucrative cash offer!!
HectorPriam over 8 years ago
Would a Ouija board work with only one participant?
SeaFox10 over 8 years ago
“Ouija” is two forms of the word- “Yes”!
Stephen Gilberg over 8 years ago
What, did someone find that egg whites were an especially good, plentiful, or inexpensive adhesive?
tuslog1964 over 8 years ago
Some phobias have very short names – example:Q. What do they call a man that has a morbid fear of birth-control devices?A. Daddy!