Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 29, 2016
Finnish floral designer Pasi Jokinen-Carter created a Christmas wreath studded with more than 40 diamonds and rubies- it went on sale for nearly $5 million! Hamilton haul! Billy Baeder of Royersford, Pennsylvania, owns a 1933 $10 bill worth $500,000. Tom Harrison of Salt Lake City, Utah, received seven military medals in 2011- more than 60 years after his service in World War II.
Tossle Premium Member over 8 years ago
I believe the $10.00 note is worth so much due to its serial number.Something like A000000000001.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
How many of those Finnish wreaths can one buy with multiple 1933 $10 bills?
tom_wright over 8 years ago
It was a silver certificate with a peculiar serial number. It was issued when American currebct was shrunk to its current size. American currency is unique among world currencies in that every denomination is the same size. Most are like Hong Kong currency, when I first went there I bought a “local” wallet to hold the oversize, higher denomination bills.
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
“What took you so long?”
Max Starman Jones over 8 years ago
Don’t hang that wreath on your front door. In fact, what’s the fun of having a wreath like that? Where can you put it? It’s like having the Hope Diamond. You can’t wear it anywhere.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 8 years ago
He doesn’t care about the medals anymore. He knows the presentation was just politics with no personal meaning. He does have some irritation that he didn’t get them when they were due.