F Minus by Tony Carrillo for September 29, 2016

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    Thirdbase  over 8 years ago

    You said it.

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    dadoctah  over 8 years ago

    …or at least from anyone who’s likely to call me by telephone. Seems like that’s mainly telemarketers, scammers, political pollsters, and people who think I owe them money.

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    Doctor Toon  over 8 years ago

    Gave my phone up years ago and I do not miss it

    My wife has a smartphone and we have a land line due to some bundle thing, more than enough

    Got stuck in traffic because of an accident a few weeks ago and it would have been nice to be able to call my wife and tell her why I was going to be late, first time in a long time I had any need for my own phone

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    mommavamp  over 8 years ago

    We have one cell phone and a land line. Whoever is going out or going farther takes the cell phone with him or her. Works for us.Remember the days when if you weren’t home or at your desk, no one could reach you?

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    Saddenedby Premium Member over 8 years ago

    this is less than a year away – because of my ‘job’ i have always needed communication technology – but soon!

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    SeaFox10  over 8 years ago

    That’s why I dumped Facebook! I don’t care about pictures of your baby eating spaghetti for the first time!

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    angelfiredragon  over 8 years ago

    Most the people I know use their phones to ONLY CALL OUT, they don’t answer calls or they have all inbound auto rejected, etc…I think wow if the whole world went that way then phones would be useless…cause nobody could call anybody back…a worldwide game of never ending phone tag.

    Usually its cause they say I’m busy right now, I’ll call them back when its convient for me. Seems kind of selfish to me, especially when they do it to their own family members. Ironically these same people complain about how when a doctors office calls with results or something and they auto reject that its stupid how long they have to wait on hold when they call back or how the person at the office says the nurse is busy to take a message and call them back…

    all I can do is laugh

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    KEA  over 8 years ago

    me, too.

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    katfromky  over 8 years ago

    Even when a teenager and phone was on our kitchen wall, I never talked on it. I prefer eye contact.

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