Peekaboo: I am an inspiration to my students...they witness my proper perfect breathing techniques and my mastery of relaxation methods...
Rose: You're really starting to annoy me.
Peekaboo: Some students are reluctant to accept inspiration.
stairsteppublishing over 8 years ago
Amen to both.
Al Nala over 8 years ago
By the time the kitten is full grown, it will have only half a life left.
Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl over 8 years ago
Peekaboo had better be careful. This could trigger a Vicki appearance.
Doctor11 over 8 years ago
It’s the thought that counts.
sarazan7 over 8 years ago
Rose really has a nice figure. Almost as good as Aunt Fritzi.
choo choo willy over 8 years ago
She could fling her leg forward and it would become a cat-apult.
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
peekaboo reminds me of a little beige doggy that i know very well. he is always in the middle of things also, whether he is wanted there or not.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
No, the cat would grab hold with its claws instead.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 8 years ago
Go to today’s Dick Tracy (Oct 5) where poster Ray Toler has posted names of top Uclick people with an address. Read the post and remember, no nasty letters as these top level people may not have been involved in the recent changes. You will need paper and stamps for THIS company contact !