Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for October 15, 2016
Breezy: Rip, why are you so bent on destroying the prophetic Calendar? Skull's on the run, and Cobra's in our hands... let's just get outta here! Rip Haywire: Skull or somebody like 'em will be back. The world's not safe with that thing in it. Cobra Carson: Hold up, big boy, what if you could change the world for good by *cough* (betting everything on the next 2 super bowls) *cough* Rip Haywire: Cobra is right maybe this calendar is here to help, not hurt. But you're right too, Breezy. Righter then Cobra.. you're right, right now, right? Cobra Carson: It doesn't take a calendar to see how these two end if I have anything to do with it.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Should we start getting worried that the calendar will change the timeline again? And it it does, are Rip and Breezy destined to find each other and marry in every one?
NWdryad over 8 years ago
Did I miss something? How did Breezy get between those bars to join Rip and Cobra? I guess jealousy can enable a woman to do anything.
tad1 over 8 years ago
Say what you like about Cobra, but she is clever!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Until a bigger villain takes it and uses it to get millions the way Biff “Trump” Tannen did keeping Nixon in office into the 80’s and the USA still in Vietnam with the Gray Sports Almanac 1950 – 2000" as the cause.
GordanFreeman over 7 years ago
Will be nice and fair to draw one long cat fight between Breezy and CobraBout of them deserved a chance to fight women to women for Rip Thank you for readingArd